Elemental Gem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11984652/bold-italic-in-restructuredtext .. raw:: html .. role:: bi :class: bolditalic *Wondrous item, uncommon* This gem contains a mote of elemental energy. When you use an action to break the gem, an elemental is summoned as if you had cast the *conjure elemental* spell, and the gem's magic is lost. The type of gem determines the elemental summoned by the spell. +------------------+--------------------------+ | Gem | Summoned Elemental | +==================+==========================+ | Blue sapphire | Air elemental | +------------------+--------------------------+ | Yellow diamond | Earth elemental | +------------------+--------------------------+ | Red corundum | Fire elemental | +------------------+--------------------------+ | Emerald | Water elemental | +------------------+--------------------------+